[Mailmunge] make test failures

Dianne Skoll dianne at skollsoft.com
Mon Jun 14 23:17:36 EDT 2021


I spun up a CentOS-7 LXC instance.  91-getmx.t failed the first time,
but now always succeeds.  I suspect a DNS caching bug.

10-smtp-forward.t always fails because the version of IO::Socket::SSL
that ships with CentOS 7 is 1.94, and Mailmunge::Test::SMTPForward
requires at least 1.994.  I didn't realize this until now.

If you are not planning on using Mailmunge::Test::SMTPForward, you can
ignore the test failure.  Otherwise, you'll need to install a newer
version of IO::Socket::SSL from CPAN.  Running the following:

        yum install cpanminus
        cpanm -n IO::Socket::SSL

fixed it for me.



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