[Mailmunge] mailmunge and multiplexor services

postfix at ptld.com postfix at ptld.com
Wed Aug 4 09:39:58 EDT 2021

Few questions; Is it normal for an extra multiplexor to be running over 
the MX_MINIMUM? I have minimum set to 2 but in top i see

   33026 mailmun+  20   0   85.5m  20.1m   6.0m S   0.0   2.1   0:00.20 
   33031 mailmun+  20   0  113.0m   2.6m   2.3m S   0.0   0.3   0:00.01 
   33086 mailmun+  20   0   85.5m  16.4m   2.3m S   0.0   1.7   0:00.00 
   33106 mailmun+  20   0   85.5m  16.4m   2.3m S   0.0   1.7   0:00.00 

On restarting the service i see some perl errors in the logs, is this 
something im doing wrong or are they harmless errors?

   mailmunge[32839]: mailmunge-3.03: mi_stop=1
   mailmunge-mx[32836]: Received SIGTERM: Stopping workers and 
   mailmunge-mx[32836]: Reap: worker 0 (pid 32896) exited normally with 
status 0
   mailmunge-mx[32836]: Worker 0 resource usage: req=0, scans=0, 
user=0.000, sys=0.003, nswap=0, majflt=0, minflt=354, maxrss=19116, 
bi=0, bo=0
   mailmunge-mx[32836]: Worker 0 stderr: Use of uninitialized value in 
exit at /usr/local/share/perl5/Ma
   mailmunge-mx[32836]: Worker 0 stderr: ilmunge/Filter.pm line 892.
   mailmunge-mx[32836]: Reap: worker 1 (pid 33010) exited normally with 
status 0
   mailmunge-mx[32836]: Worker 1 resource usage: req=0, scans=0, 
user=0.002, sys=0.002, nswap=0, majflt=0, minflt=354, maxrss=19116, 
bi=0, bo=0
   mailmunge-mx[32836]: Worker 1 stderr: Use of uninitialized value in 
exit at /usr/local/share/perl5/Ma
   mailmunge-mx[32836]: Worker 1 stderr: ilmunge/Filter.pm line 892.

On restarting i see in the logs it says no queuing allowed even though i 
think i have it set correctly in defaults to allow queuing.

   mailmunge[33031]: My hostname appears to be: example.com
   mailmunge[33031]: My IP address appears to be: 111.222.333.444
   mailmunge[33031]: mailmunge alive. workersReservedForLoopback=-1 
AllowNewConnectionsToQueue=0 doRelayCheck=0 doHeloCheck=0 
doSenderCheck=0 doRecipientCheck=0
   mailmunge-mx[33026]: started; minWorkers=2, maxWorkers=10, 
maxRequests=500, maxLifetime=0, maxIdleTime=300, busyTimeout=30, 
   mailmunge-mx[33026]: Initialized embedded Perl interpreter
   mailmunge-mx[33026]: Starting worker 0 (pid 33086) (1 running): 
Bringing workers up to minWorkers (2)
   mailmunge[33031]: Multiplexor alive - entering main loop
   mailmunge-filter[33086]: MTA appears to be: Postfix
   mailmunge-mx[33026]: Starting worker 1 (pid 33106) (2 running): 
Bringing workers up to minWorkers (2)
   mailmunge-filter[33106]: MTA appears to be: Postfix


   # Showing Only Relevant Settings
   MX_EMBED_PERL = yes
   MX_MAXIMUM = 10
   MX_BUSY = 30
   MX_IDLE = 300
   MX_REQUESTS = 500

What am i missing?
And are there any pitfalls in the settings im using?

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