[Mailmunge] Spec file to build Mailmunge RPMS

Kenneth Porter shiva at sewingwitch.com
Thu Jun 9 15:14:35 EDT 2022

--On Thursday, June 09, 2022 4:05 PM -0400 Dianne Skoll via Mailmunge 
<mailmunge at lists.mailmunge.org> wrote:

> Also... when I tried running the regression test suite after installing
> the RPMs, a bunch of them failed, but I don't have time to look into it.
> I'm going to be otherwise occupied until June 27.

I'm able to package as user buildmeister. It still fails with debuginfo, so 
I'll try to dig into that, and look into adding the pre/post stuff.

I also tried using "rpmbuild -tb" (build from tarball) and that fails 
because it wants the spec file in the root of the tarball. Kind of 
pretentious of the original RPM devs to require that, of course. ;)

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