[Mailmunge] GitHub repos for various Perl modules I maintain

Dianne Skoll dianne at skollsoft.com
Wed Jan 10 09:54:08 EST 2024

Hi, all,

I maintain a number of Perl modules, some of which are used by
Mailmunge. The full list is here: https://metacpan.org/author/DSKOLL

I thought it was about time to make public git repos for them, so I did.
This makes it easier for people to submit patches by creating pull

The GitHub repos are:

Data::ResultSet             - https://github.com/dfskoll/Data-ResultSet
File::VirusScan             - https://github.com/dfskoll/File-VirusScan
IO::Stringy                 - https://github.com/dfskoll/IO-Stringy
MIME::tools                 - https://github.com/dfskoll/MIME-tools
Net::DNSBL::Client          - https://github.com/dfskoll/Net-DNSBL-Client
Sendmail::Queue             - https://github.com/dfskoll/Sendmail-Queue
Sys::Detect::Virtualization - https://github.com/dfskoll/Sys-Detect-Virtualization

(Mail::ThreadKiller is not included because it's a weird little Perl
script and not a proper Perl module.)



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