[Mailmunge] Mailmunge 3.17 is released

Dianne Skoll dianne at skollsoft.com
Tue Jul 30 15:12:01 EDT 2024


I'm pleased to announce that Mailmunge 3.17 has been released.
This is a minor bugfix release.

Download:      https://www.mailmunge.org/download/
Git:           https://git.skoll.ca/Skollsoft-Public/mailmunge
Alternate Git: https://salsa.debian.org/dskoll/mailmunge
News page:     https://www.mailmunge.org/news/

Full changelog is below.



2024-07-30 Dianne Skoll <dianne at skollsoft.com>

	* Mailmunge 3.17

	* BUG FIX: mailmunge-multiplexor: Remove newlines from messages that
	  are syslogged when activating a worker.

	* BUG FIX: mailmunge-multiplexor.c: Zero-terminate a string that
	  previously might not have been.

	* IMPROVEMENT: Add Docker tests for Rocky 9 and rename the old
	  Rocky 8 tests from "rocky" to "rocky8".

	* IMPROVEMENT: Fix a bunch of "cppcheck" warnings in the C code
	  and "perlcritic / use strict / use warnings" complaints in the Perl.

	* IMPROVEMENT: mailmunge: Exit with an error if multiple options are
	  given for options where it only makes sense to have at most one.

	* DOCUMENTATION IMPROVEMENT: Add examples of using $ctx->log() to
	  the sample filter.

	* BUG FIX: When returning a Mailmunge::Response object from a
	  message-context callback, preserve the code and dsn parameters,
	  if any are supplied.

2024-02-06 Dianne Skoll <dianne at skollsoft.com>

	* Mailmunge 3.16

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